This /       
or this
which would you prefer?
As members of this wonderfully vibrant Rotary club we need to know each other and we need to be able to EASILY communicate with each other.  To find out how ...
When you joined your basic details were loaded to your member profile.  After then it is your responsibility to make sure the details are complete and kept accurate.  This information is used to:
  • Meet the minimum requirements of membership information required (ie. not optional) by Rotary International.  The good news is that you only need to do this in the club site and that then sync's with the RI site.
  • Enable members to get to know each other
  • Enable a member to easily contact another member for Rotary business
  • Enable the club to stay in contact with you via the emailed bulletin and occasional special emails
  • Enable the district to send you the District Newsletter (monthly) and any other special emails
  • If you take on a district role this is necessary (any member can offer for roles outside the club in addition to club roles)
  • Enable the club to maintain useful member statistics that are behind the scenes.  Things like gender balance and age bands are useful for planning.
We need you to:
  • Load a head and shoulders picture of yourself - if the last one was when you were 10 years younger maybe it is time to renew
  • Complete MINIMUM details like:
    • Your name
    • Your spouse/partners name
    • Your postal address
    • Your most reliable contact phone number
    • Your most reliable contact email address
  • Complete MINIMUM details like the following that are behind the scenes and do not show on the visible member list:
    • Your gender
    • Your date on joining the club
    • Your birthdate ... some are reluctant but needed
  • It is up to you whether you complete the rest of the information but it is recommended you complete the first section at least. 
Remember that member information is behind the member login accessible by other Rotarians within the six NZ-based districts ONLY.  If you want your contact information accessible to other Rottarians elsewhere in the world you need to change the settings in your RI record itself.
The good news is this is easy - see  Guide to logging in and updating your profile 
If you have any difficulty call Colin Robinson on 021 652 801 anytime for immediate help.
Thanks for being such a great member.